The Transcript offers a rich and interactive interface for displaying live information coming from a system. Text is only the beginning!
The API is backward compatible with the existing transcript. To enable the new features, we introduced a builder. For example:
Transcript nextPutAll: 'something'
Transcript next putAll: 'something'
Between next
and putAll:
, we can add multiple attributes to the text output.
The following example shows the complete API.
completeAPI <gtExample> | transcript | transcript := self transcript. transcript nextPutAll: 'This is an example of'; space; nextPutAll: 'the new GT Transcript'; nextPut: '.'; cr. transcript next putAll: 'Beside typical text, it can also handle:'; cr. transcript next tab; color: Color blue; putAll: 'Colored text'; cr. transcript tab. transcript next fontSize: 20; putAll: 'Varying size text'; cr. transcript next tab; expanding: [ BlElement new background: Color indexedColors atRandom; yourself ]; putAll: 'Embelished with extra expansion'; cr. [ 1/0 ] on: Error do: [ :err | transcript next tab; putAll: 'Exception: '; showException: err ]. "transcript next tab; italic; streamAll: [ transcript next putAll: 'And others ...' ]." ^ transcript
To get an idea of how this tool could be useful, take a look at the following example. A Bloc animation is logged in a visual, domain centric way, providing insight far superior to plain text.
transcriptWitAnimation <gtExample> <noTest> | animation transcript space | transcript := self transcript. animation := self blocAnimation. space := BlSpace new. space host: BlHeadlessHost new. space addChild: animation target. space show. animation addEventHandlerOn: BlAnimationStepEvent do: [ :anEvent | | snapshot | snapshot := animation target asSpartaForm. transcript cr. transcript next expanded: [ BlElement new constraintsDo: [ :c | c textFlow pushLine ]; size: snapshot extent; background: snapshot ]; putAll: 'Animation progress: ', anEvent progress asString. animation target asSpartaForm extent ]; onFinishedDo: [ space close ]. ^ transcript