An “example” (or example method ) is a unary method that produces an example object .
In Glamorous Toolkit, examples serve as test methods and can contain assertions.
An example is always tagged with a <gtExample>
pragma. For example, this example method produces a text editor, moves a cursor, simulates a selection, and eventually asserts that it answers the selection:
select_moveOneRight_at_6 <gtExample> | anEditor | anEditor := self editorOnMultilineText. anEditor editor moveCursorTo: 6. anEditor selecter moveOneToRight; select. self assert: anEditor selection equals: (BlCompositeSelection new select: 6 to: 7). self assert: anEditor editor selectedText asString equals: 'e'. self assert: anEditor cursors equals: (BrTextEditorCursor atAll: #(7)). ^ anEditor
Examples can always be evaluated and inspected, by clicking on the “play and inspect” button:

For more details, see Example-driven development by example and Introducing test examples and code cleaning.