Use pager to display a horizontally scrollable list of pages.
The following example displays three predefined pages that occupy all available space within the pager (BrPagerPageElement>>#weight:
is set to 1
threeFullPagePager <gtExample> | aPager | aPager := BrPager new matchParent. aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 1.0; layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal alignCenter; background: (Color gray alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color gray); text: 'Page 1')). aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 1.0; layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal alignCenter; background: (Color red alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color red); text: 'Page 2')). aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 1.0; layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal alignCenter; background: (Color blue alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color blue); text: 'Page 3')). ^ aPager

It is possible, however, to set a different BrPagerPageElement>>#weight:
which will make pages share the space within their pager.
twoHalfPagePager <gtExample> | aPager | aPager := BrPager new matchParent. aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 0.5; layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal alignCenter; background: (Color gray alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color gray); text: 'Page 1')). aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 0.5; layout: BlLinearLayout horizontal alignCenter; background: (Color red alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color red); text: 'Page 2')). ^ aPager

If needed, pages can be added dynamically with the same api as we used in the previous examples BrPager>>#addPage:
. However, it is usually required to scroll to a newly created page which can be achieved with the help of the BrPager>>#scrollToLast
dynamicPager <gtExample> | aPager | aPager := BrPager new. aPager matchParent. aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new weight: 1.0; layout: BlLinearLayout vertical alignCenter; background: (Color gray alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrButton new beHugeSize; aptitude: BrGlamorousButtonWithLabelAptitude new; label: 'Next'; action: [ aPager addPage: (BrPagerPageElement new layout: BlLinearLayout vertical alignCenter; background: (Color random alpha: 0.1); weight: 1.0; addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color red); text: 'New page')). aPager scrollToLast ])). ^ aPager

We can build on the previous example to create an "infinite" pager by using a stencil to recursively build new pages:
infinitePager <gtExample> | aPager aPageStencil | aPager := BrPager new. aPager matchParent. aPageStencil := nil. aPageStencil := [ BrPagerPageElement new weight: 1.0; layout: BlLinearLayout vertical alignCenter; background: (Color random alpha: 0.1); addChild: (BrLabel new aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 30; foreground: Color gray); margin: (BlInsets all: 30); text: ('Page {1}' format: {(aPager pages size + 1)})); addChild: (BrButton new aptitude: BrGlamorousButtonWithLabelAptitude new; beHugeSize; label: 'Next'; action: [ aPager addPage: aPageStencil asElement. aPager scrollToLast ]) ] asStencil. aPager addPage: aPageStencil asElement. ^ aPager