A single starting point for scripting, linking and documenting
This very book is written in Lepiter, a knowledge management system made out of interlinked multilanguage notebooks.
This page should provide some instructions on how to effectively use and work with Lepiter.
Lepiter is made of snippets assembled in pages. Each snippet has its own language and comes with its own editor. This very Text snippet is based on Markdown and features live markup that appears on demand and with expandable links.
Of course, there are other snippets, too, like this Pharo snippet:
GtImage instance
Whether it's a note to ourselves, an initial program, or an exploration of data, we start in Lepiter.
Some examples:
Say you are exploring some external API. The best way to start is with a query to that API:
json := ZnClient new get: 'https://api.github.com/orgs/feenkcom'. dictionary := STON fromString: json.
See a more elaborate description in Working with a REST API: the GitHub case study.
Or say that you are looking for something in the image. You can start with a query. For example, where else do we query APIs?
ZnClient gtReferences & ('GToolkit' gtPackageMatches | 'Lepiter' gtPackageMatches)
Or perhaps you want to prototype a user interface:
BlElement new background: Color red
And there are many more such situations. For more inspiration, simply browse through this book.
These snippets are interlinked in a graph. A knowledge graph. Take a look at How to visualize the current knowledge base to see what the graph of this very book looks like.
But the more important part is that these snippets are programmable and extensible. See Extending Lepiter with custom snippets and annotations.