How to configure Git username and email address

New users, before making a first commit to a repository, should configure a username and email address in git.

You can configure this data globally or per repository.

If you have git installed locally you can open a terminal and run these two commands:

Set the username:

git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"

Set the email address:

git config --glo]bal ""

Verify your configuration. Usually git stores these settings in a .gitconfig file in your home directory:

cat ~/.gitconfig

If you do not have git installed, you can create a .gitconfig file in your home directory. The snippets below create one if it does not exist.

username := 'FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME'.
email := ''.
configFile := FileLocator home / '.gitconfig'.
configFile exists ifFalse: [
	configFile writeStreamDo: [ :aStream |
		aStream nextPutAll: ('[user]
	name = {1}
	email = {2}' format: { username . email }) ] ]

In case the file exists, or to check its content, you can directly inspect it.

FileLocator home / '.gitconfig'.

In case you have a git repository already created, the snippets below verifies if the email and username are set correctly.

repositoryName := 'YOUR_REPOSITORY'.
repository := IceRepository registry 
	detect: [ :aRepository | aRepository name = repositoryName ].
[ repository repositoryHandle defaultSignature ]
	do: [ :e | 'Username or email address not configured!' ]

If you have git installed locally you can open a terminal, go to the repository directory and run the following commands:


git config ""

To verify:

cat .git/config