Get started
Glamorous Toolkit (GT) is an environment for Moldable Development. It is also a significant case study since Moldable Development was used systematically to develop it. This means that GT itself offers an easy path to learning Moldable Development.
In the core distribution of GT there are thousands of contextual tools. You should not learn them by heart. Each of these is based on an underlying language made out of visual and interactive operators that can be combined in many ways. So, first learn this language.
Start here:
Spend 30 minutes to go through:
Exploiting GT implies programming it. GT is implemented in Pharo. If you are not familiar with Pharo, go here: A gentle introduction to Pharo Smalltalk.
To put these to test, follow the example from Exploring the GitHub REST API in 7'.
To guide the investigation, focus on practical scenarios you have an interest in.
Some examples can be found in Case studies of Moldable Development:
API exploration:
Software analysis of Java, COBOL, C#, Ruby On Rails, or JS sources:
Data exploration:
Domain discovery:
Database exploration:
Program with Python
Extend the inspector with Python: Inspecting Python objects with custom inspectors
Improve the performance through custom Python extensions: Exploring the execution of a Python LampSort algorithm
Dedicated environment:
You can try to replicate some of the examples yourself, or you can try out some of the dedicated Moldable Development exercises.
Working with Glamorous Toolkit implies programming. It's useful to get comfortable working with your code through a Git. Take a look at How to work with GitHub.
A good rule of thumb is to start with a fresh image every day. To this end, you want to automate your flow. See How to set up a GT GitHub repo in 7'.