Movies Collection demo in GemStone
This page is a demo for inspecting a GtRmMovieCollection
in GemStone, complementing similar demos in Python and GT.
Installing NeoCSV: This example requires loading NeoCSV in GT.
Metacello new repository: 'github://svenvc/NeoCSV/repository'; baseline: 'NeoCSV'; load.
The following snippets import the movie collection within a GemStone extent.
The data is read from a local file and loaded into GemStone by GtRmMovieCollectionGemstoneImporter
The default session is used for importing.
dataFile := FileLocator gtResource / 'feenkcom' / 'gtoolkit-demos' / 'data' / 'imdb' / 'Movies.csv'
GtRmMovieCollectionGemstoneImporter new importFromCsvFile: dataFile
The imported data can be seen by inspecting the default instance of GtRmMovieCollection
GtRmMovieCollection defaultInstance