How to parse Loader and Cloner logs
For loading Glamorous Toolkit we use a dedicated loader, GtRlProjectsLoader
This loader creates log entires that we can parse back to understand what happened during loading.
The snippets below assume the log is copied to the clipboard.
loadingLog := Clipboard clipboardText asString
GtRlLoadedConsolidatedBaselineEvent fromContents: loadingLog
The loader does two separate actions:
- first it clones all repositories and after
- it loads the actual code.
Each of these two steps has separate logs. We can also parse and analyse these logs independently.
baselineCloneEvent := GtRlClonerBaselineEvent fromContents: loadingLog.
loaderActionEvents := GtRlLoaderEventsGroup fromContents: loadingLog.
We can combine these two logs to get the full analysis.
consolidatedEvent := GtRlLoadedConsolidatedBaselineEvent new initializeFrom: baselineCloneEvent. consolidatedEvent addLoaderEvents: loaderActionEvents.