How to set up a home section

You want to have a card for a Lepiter page automatically installed in the Home Section of GT when you load your GitHub repo (i.e., a card similar to the Glamorous Toolkit Book card).

Use the GtHomeMultiCardSection GtHomeSection subclass: #GtHomeMultiCardSection instanceVariableNames: 'sectionTitle cards' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-Sections' class.

Create a subclass of GtHomeMultiCardSection GtHomeSection subclass: #GtHomeMultiCardSection instanceVariableNames: 'sectionTitle cards' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-Sections' with cards defined in methods with a <gtSectionCard> pragma. For example: GtHomeMultiCardGetStartedSection GtHomeMultiCardSection subclass: #GtHomeMultiCardGetStartedSection instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-Sections' .

To install this as a home section card, you must implement an extension method of the GtHome BlElement subclass: #GtHome instanceVariableNames: 'sectionsHolder feedElement notificationsElement knowledgeBase' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-UI' class. For example: GtHome>>#getStartedSection getStartedSection <gtHomeSection> <gtExample> <noTest> ^ GtHomeMultiCardGetStartedSection new .

Note that this should be categorized as an extension method of one of your packages, for example *MyStuff (assuming MyStuff is a package of your repo). In this way, as soon as your repo is loaded, so will the extension method, and your card will automatically appear in the home section.