Building treemaps

A treemap represents a tree. That means that before we can represent a treemap, we first need a tree.

Let's start with visualizing a directory containing files and other directories. To define the treemap, we start from a root directory and specify the structure should be navigated recursively through directories and the leaves of the tree are the files.

	^ GtNestedRectangleTreeMap new
		roots: { self fileReference };
		leaves: [ :aNode | aNode files ];
		deep: [ :aNode | aNode directories ]

The above treemap represents all leaves using the same weight. We can also specify different sizes.

	^ self fileReferenceTreeMap 
		leavesSize: [ :aNode | aNode size max: 1000 ]

This is the basic mechanism.

Manufacturing trees

Sometimes, we have a data structure that is a tree, but no easy way to navigate it. For example, the code model of Pharo relies on package, package tag and class, but there is no uniform way to traverse them nicely. That's when we benefit from the GtNestedTreeBuilder Object subclass: #GtNestedTreeBuilder instanceVariableNames: 'step stepContext' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-TreeMap-Data Structures' . For example, here we get all classes that start with the Br prefix. We group those first by package and then by the package tag.
	^ GtNestedTreeBuilder new
			data: (Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits select: [:c | 
			c name beginsWith: 'Br']);
		groupBy: [ :aClass | aClass package ];
		groupBy: [ :aClass | aClass package classTags detect: [ :e | e hasClass: aClass ] ];
		weight: [ :aClass | aClass methods size max: 1];

The result is a nested tree node GtNestedTreeCollection subclass: #GtNestedTreeNode instanceVariableNames: 'name leaves nodes' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-TreeMap-Data Structures' that can be traversed uniformly.

So, now we can construct the treemap.

	^ self treemap 
		leavesSize: [ :aNode | aNode weight ]

The default shapes of a treemap can be fine, but sometimes we want to emphasize items. After all, it is a map.

In our case, let's aim to highlight the classes that define at least one custom inspector view with one color, and those that define examples with another color. To make this happen we specify GtNestedRectangleTreeMap>>#leafElement: leafElement: aBlock leafElementBlock := aBlock . The block receives an element that can be customized. You cannot create a new element because a treemap constrains the shape and size of the element.

	^ self treemapWithLeavesSize
		leafElement: [ :anElement :aLeafContext | 
			| isGtView isGtExample |
			isGtView := aLeafContext model item itOrItsSuperclassesDefineGTViews.
			isGtExample := aLeafContext model item methods anySatisfy: [ :aMethod | 
				aMethod isGTExampleMethod ].
			anElement border: (BlBorder 
				paint: (Color gray alpha: 0.5 / aLeafContext level) 
				width: 1).
			anElement background: (isGtView 
				ifTrue: [(Color blue alpha: 0.6)] 
				ifFalse: [ 
						ifTrue: [ Color green muchDarker alpha: 0.6] 
						ifFalse: [ Color transparent ]]) ]

Similarly, we can also customize the container element. For example, let's add a label with the package names.

	^ self treemapWithCustomLeafElement 
		containerElement: [ :anElement :aNodeContext | 
			aNodeContext level = 2 ifTrue: [ 
				anElement addChild: (BrLabel new 
					text: (aNodeContext  model name name withoutPrefix: 'Brick-'); 
					aptitude: (BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new fontSize: 8; foreground: Color gray); 
					constraintsDo: [ :c | c ignoreByLayout. ])].
			anElement border: (BlBorder 
				paint: (Color gray alpha: 0.7 / aNodeContext level) 
				width: 1).
			anElement padding: (BlInsets all: 1) ]