Directly installing GemStone and loading gt4gemstone for development

This page documents the steps to load the Gt server code in a GemStone stone using the same scripts that are used by the CI server.


These scripts should be run in the image directory and will install GemStone there. Run the scripts into the same console session, as they set local environmental variables.

First source the script to configure all. This assumes the gt4gemstone repository was cloned locally.

source ./pharo-local/iceberg/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/scripts/

Next, run the script that downloads and configures a new GemsStone in the image directory and also installs the current code of gt4gemstone.


If the installation worked on, start the netldi server and a stone named gs64stone

Starting/stopping the stone and netldi

If NetLDI has been configured as a service (requires root permission, see the GemStone documentation), start netldi:

startnetldi -g

If NetLDI hasn't been configured as a service, start it on a known port, e.g.:

startnetldi -g -P 50377

If NetLDI fails there may be an issue with permissions for some GemStone files

Next start a stone:

startstone gs64stone

To stop the stone and the netldi service

stopstone -i gs64stone DataCurator swordfish   

Script to setup

This combines the scripts from before to setup a stone from scratch

source ./pharo-local/iceberg/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/scripts/
startnetldi -g
startstone gs64stone