Use Glamorous buttons for actions in forms, popups or other views with support for multiple styles, sizes, states and more.
BrGlamorousComponentsButtons>>#withLabel <gtExample> ^ BrButton new aptitude: BrGlamorousButtonWithLabelAptitude new; label: 'Default'; action: [ :aButton | 'Clicked' traceCr ]

BrGlamorousComponentsButtons>>#withLabelDisabled <gtExample> ^ BrButton new aptitude: BrGlamorousButtonWithLabelAptitude new; label: 'Default'; disable

BrGlamorousComponentsButtons>>#withLabelSizes <gtExample> ^ BrHorizontalPane new fitContent; cellSpacing: 10; addChildren: { self withLabelMini. self withLabelTiny. self withLabelSmall. self withLabelNormal. self withLabelLarge. self withLabelHuge }