Analyzing Spring Boot RESTful web services
The spring-boot GitHub repository has several test controllers and example calls that we can analyze. First we need to clone the repository:
rootDirectory := 'spring-boot' asFileReference
rootDirectory ensureDeleteAll. repository := PureGitRepository on: rootDirectory. repository operations clone: ''. repository
Once the repository is cloned, we can analyze the Java source:
model := GtSmaCCJavaImporter new baseDirectory: rootDirectory; buildJavaModel; model
At this point, we only have a Java model and do not have anything specific for Spring Boot, but we can add that analysis:
GtJavaSpringBootImporter new model: model; buildSpringModel. model
From here, we can see all RestControllers
, Mappings
, and calls to the Mappings
. We can see the source of each and the links between them. For example, we can see the UserVehicleController.VehicleDetailsHtml
mapping and the calls to it:
controller := model allGtJavaSpringRestControllers entityNamed: #UserVehicleController
mapping := (controller handlers collect: #gtJavaSpringMapping) detect: [ :each | each fullPaths anySatisfy: [ :path | path endsWith: '.html' ] ]
The GtJavaSpringBootImporter>>#springBootCallsDo:
has the logic to determine service calls from Java. By default, it looks for calls to MockMvcRequestBuilders.delete/get/patch/post/put
as well as calls to
. If your application uses other methods to make service calls, then you'll need to define a subclass and override the stringBootCallsDo:
method. That method should evaluate the argument block for each service call passing the invocation, url, and request type (get, put, delete, etc).