How to update the content of all opened GtWorld instances

The main GtWorld BlSpace subclass: #GtWorld instanceVariableNames: 'worldElement' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-UI' element updates when methods are changed in the GtHome BlElement subclass: #GtHome instanceVariableNames: 'sectionsHolder feedElement notificationsElement knowledgeBase' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-UI' class.

However ofen we do not make changes directly to the GtHome BlElement subclass: #GtHome instanceVariableNames: 'sectionsHolder feedElement notificationsElement knowledgeBase' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-UI' but still want to update the world element.

The snippet below updates all instances of GtWorld BlSpace subclass: #GtWorld instanceVariableNames: 'worldElement' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-World-UI' .

GtWorld allInstances do: [ :aGtWorld |
	aGtWorld root children first home updateWidget]