How to load Glamorous Toolkit code for development
After all repositories are cloned locally and the baseline specifying dependencies are loaded within the image, we can use GtRlProjectsLoader
to load the code.
We can direcly perform the loading using the following snippets
projectLoader := GtRlProjectsLoader new
projectLoader registerMemoryLogger
projectLoader loadBaselineClass: BaselineOfGToolkit fullBaselineProject fromRepository: BaselineOfGToolkit gtoolkitRepositorySpec
Alternatively one can perform the loading steps separately by first creating a project and then a worklow. This makes it possible to explicitly see the list of actions executed by the loader
rootProject := BaselineOfGToolkit fullBaselineProject gtRlProjectWithRepository: BaselineOfGToolkit gtoolkitRepositorySpec.
structureBuilder := GtRlLoadDirectiveStructureBuilder new. loadDirective := structureBuilder buildLoadDirectiveForProject: rootProject.
loadWorkflow := GtRlProjectsLoadWorkflow new rootLoadDirective: loadDirective.
loadWorkflow executeLoadActions.