Debugging remote GemStone views

This page contains snippets for debugging remote GemStone views.

First in the debugging process we need a proxy to an instance of GtRemotePhlowViewedObject Object subclass: #GtRemotePhlowViewedObject instanceVariableNames: 'object actionSpecificationsBySelector viewSpecificationsBySelector' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-RemotePhlow-InspectorCore' that wrapps the object we are interested in.

We can get directly the inspector proxy using a dedicated snippet,

inspectorProxy := GtRemotePhlowViewedObject object: 
	GtRemotePhlowDeclarativeTestInspectable new.

or by starting from a proxy to the object

objectProxy := GtRemotePhlowDeclarativeTestInspectable new
inspectorProxy := objectProxy proxyObject getInspectorProxyWithData

After we gave a proxy we can get information related to views, like the names of the methods creating the views and the raw data for creating view specifications.

inspectorProxy getDeclarativeViewMethodNames
inspectorProxy getViewsDeclarations

From the proxy object we can also get the view specifications initialized with the remote datasource

inspectorProxy proxyObject declarativeViews

We can also get the title displayed by the inspector

inspectorProxy gtInspectorTitleString

We can also get information about specific views

listViewProxySpecification := inspectorProxy 
	getDeclarativeViewFor: #gtListFor:.
listViewProxySpecification retrieveItems: 3 fromIndex: 1
listViewProxySpecification retriveSentItemAt: 1
listViewLocalSpecification := inspectorProxy
	buildLocalViewSpecificationFor: #gtForwardListFor:
listViewLocalSpecification retrieveItems: 3 fromIndex: 1
listViewLocalSpecification retriveSentItemAt: 1
forwardViewProxySpecification := inspectorProxy 
	getDeclarativeViewFor: #gtForwardListFor:
forwardViewProxySpecification retrieveViewSpecificationForForwarding
forwardViewLocalSpecification := inspectorProxy
	buildLocalViewSpecificationFor: #gtForwardListFor:
forwardViewLocalSpecification retrieveViewSpecificationForForwarding