
This page details the main components of Glamorous Toolkit:

Inspector: the moldable inspector

Lepiter: the moldable playground.

Lepiter: the engine for manipulating live documents.

Presenter: the engine for live slide-based storytelling.

Debugger: the moldable debugger for Pharo.

Coder: the moldable coder for Pharo.

Transcript: a rethinking of the classic Transcript taking advantage of the moldable text editor from Bloc.

Visualizer: a set of visualization engines on top of Bloc.

Examples: the engine for example-driven development.

Completer: the moldable completion engine.

Phlow: the browsing engine.

SmaCC: the core parsing engine in Glamorous Toolkit.

PetitParser: a dynamic parser combinator integrated into Glamorous Toolkit.

Releaser: the engine that allows us to manage and release deeply nested projects.

Remote: the engine for interaction with remote runtimes

Glamorous Toolkit is based on graphical stack made of:

Sparta: the graphical canvas

Bloc: the graphical framework

Brick: the widget set