Example of parsing a Cloner and Loading log for Glamorous Toolkit
This page shows an example of parsing a Cloner and Loading log created when loading Glamorous Toolkit into a Pharo base image.
There are two specific logs, one for cloning repositories, and one for loading the code.
Both example logs are a text file on disk that contains a list of beacon signals, one per line.
logFile := FileLocator gtResource / 'feenkcom/gtoolkit/doc/loader' / 'loader-log-example.txt'.
We can use GtRlLoadedConsolidatedBaselineEvent
to parse both logs and inspect the result.
GtRlLoadedConsolidatedBaselineEvent readFromFile: logFile
This returns an object of type GtRlLoadedConsolidatedBaselineEvent
that contains information about what repositories, baselines and packages were loaded.

Alternatively we can only parse the log for cloning repositories or loading the code
GtRlClonerBaselineEvent fromContents: logFile contents
GtRlLoaderEventsGroup fromContents: logFile contents