How to visualize the current knowledge base

Every Pharo snippet is populated with a thisSnippet variable. Through that, we can just get access to the entire database and the registered pages.

pages := thisSnippet database pages

All pages are connected to one another. Let's visualize that graph:

m := GtMondrian new.
m nodes 
	stencil: [:each | 
		BlElement new 
			background: Color black;
			size: 5@5;
			when: BlClickEvent do: [:e | 
				e currentTarget phlow spawnTool: each asPhlowTool] ];
	with: pages.
m edges connectToAll: [:page | page allOutgoingTextualLinks collectAsSet: #target].
m layout force nbIterations: 30.
m asElement

Ah, that graph is a little too crowded because Glamorous Toolkit Book is linked to all pages in the database. So, let's take that page out.

pages := thisSnippet database pages reject: [:each | 
	each title = 'Glamorous Toolkit Book']

That's better, but still not particularly valuable. That's because the visualization is generic. Value is always specific. So, in trueMoldable Development fashion, let's enhance our visualization with a contextual mapping. For example, highlighting where Lepiter is found in titles.

m := GtMondrian new.
m nodes 
	stencil: [:each |
		BlElement new 
			background: ((each title includesSubstring: 'Lepiter') 
				ifTrue: [Color red]
				ifFalse:  [Color black]);
			size: 5@5;
			when: BlClickEvent do: [:e | 
				e currentTarget phlow spawnTool: each asPhlowTool] ];
	with: pages.
m edges connectToAll: [:page | page allOutgoingTextualLinks collectAsSet: #target].
m layout force nbIterations: 30.
m asElement

Now, go and click on one of the nodes. What happens?