How to test phlow views

Add "self assertObjectPhlowViewsFor: object" to your example or a test case.

Object>>#assertObjectPhlowViewsFor: assertObjectPhlowViewsFor: anObject GtPhlowViewTester new assertObject: anObject instantiates a GtPhlowViewTester Object subclass: #GtPhlowViewTester instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' package: 'GToolkit-Phlow-Examples-Tester' which collects all views from an object, renders them as graphical elements and checks if there are any errors or exceptions in those views or graphical elements.

myObject := Object new.
self assertObjectPhlowViewsFor: myObject
self assertObjectPhlowViewsFor: GtPhlowViewWithErrorExamples new

Validating individual phlow views:

view := GtPhlowEmptyView new list
	title: 'View';
	items: [ (1 to: 19) ];
	itemText: [ :i | 
		(i % 15) isZero
			ifTrue: [ i / 0 ].
		(i % 10) isZero
			ifTrue: [ '0' + i ].
		(i % 5) isZero
			ifTrue: [ i at: 2 ].
	i / (i % 5) ].

GtPhlowViewTester new assertViewOk: view
view := GtPhlowEmptyView new list
	title: 'View';
	items: [ (1 to: 190) ];
	itemText: [ :i |
		i even
			ifTrue: [ '0' + i ]
			ifFalse: [ i / 0 ] ].

GtPhlowViewTester new assertViewOk: view