Use lists to display large datasets.
Simple List
List of all classes
BrGlamorousComponentsLists>>#listOfClasses <gtExample> ^ BrSimpleList new itemStencil: [ BrLabel new hMatchParent; aptitude: BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new; padding: (BlInsets all: 5) ]; itemDataBinder: [ :eachElement :eachClass :eachIndex | eachElement text: eachClass name ]; items: (SystemNavigation new allClasses sorted: [ :a :b | a name < b name ])
List of colors
BrGlamorousComponentsLists>>#listOfColors <gtExample> ^ BrSimpleList new itemStencil: [ BrLabel new hMatchParent; aptitude: BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new; padding: (BlInsets all: 12) ]; itemDataBinder: [ :eachElement :eachColor :eachIndex | eachElement text: (eachColor asRopedText foreground: eachColor contrastingBlackAndWhiteColor); background: eachColor ]; items: Color indexedColors
Columned list
Columned list of colors
BrGlamorousComponentsLists>>#columnedListOfColors <gtExample> | aList | aList := BrColumnedList new. aList column width: 50; title: 'Index'; cellStencil: [ BrLabel new aptitude: BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new; padding: (BlInsets all: 12) ]; dataBinder: [ :eachElement :eachColor :eachIndex | eachElement text: eachIndex asString ]. aList column matchParent; title: 'Color'; cellStencil: [ BrLabel new aptitude: BrGlamorousLabelAptitude new; padding: (BlInsets all: 12) ]; dataBinder: [ :eachElement :eachColor :eachIndex | eachElement text: (('#', eachColor asHexString) asRopedText foreground: eachColor contrastingBlackAndWhiteColor); background: eachColor ]. aList items: Color indexedColors. ^ aList