Glamorous Toolkit

The Moldable Development environment

Figuring systems out is the single most expensive activity in software development. And most of it is spent reading.

We believe that the development environment can do a much better job in helping developers make software explainable . The central idea is that tools must be moldable to the task at hand, and of course it must be inexpensive to adapt the tools. We call this Moldable Development.

Every single development problem includes a data science problem, and data problems are best dealt with through custom tools. Glamorous Toolkit makes this practical by providing a platform that makes the molding of custom tools inexpensive.

Glamorous Toolkit is the Moldable Development environment. It is a live notebook. A knowledge management platform. A flexible search interface. A fancy code editor. A software analysis platform. A data visualization engine. All in one.

Created by feenk under an MIT license

Glamorous Toolkit is developed by feenk, and was born out of a long term effort to make the inside of software systems explainable.

Although Moldable Development is founded on just a few very simple ideas, they work together in ways that fundamentally change the experience of exploring and understanding software and data. We offer Glamorous Toolkit as free and open-source under the MIT license because we want you to experience it as directly as possible.

At the same time, feenk is a company. We fund ourselves through customer projects, but we work as an engineering research lab. For our customer projects we use exclusively the tools and techniques we create. We do that because it provides a competitive advantage. And we do that because these customer projects also act as validation for Moldable Development.

Distinct environment

Glamorous Toolkit is built in Pharo, but the goal of GT is distinct from that of Pharo and so is its realization. Read more about Glamorous Toolkit and Pharo.

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